关注妇女、性别议题的公益团体 后生价值(公众号:hsjzengender)前几日发布了一份书单,整理了近几个月来中国本土语境下的性别知识相关文章——性别知情书单:理论与在地议题篇。在此也分享一些我最近看到的资源,以及曾提及的内容。

Reading list
- Feminist technology resources by Feminist Voices in Technology
- [Reading List] Gender, Race, Sexuality and Surveillance by GenderIT.org
- Readings and other references by femedtech
- Reading Lists and Resources by Feminist and Accessible Publishing Communications and Technologies
- Syllabus: Women and gender non-conforming people writing about tech

- Stillwagon & Ghaziani 2019 (mentioned)
- The Commons Debates and Elects Betty Boothroyd as Speaker (m)
- The 2019 Year in Review Pornhub Insights (m)
- Why is South Korea facing a beauty backlash? (m)
- 黃淑玲 2003 (m)
- Padavic et al 2020 (m)
- Fisk & Overton 2019; Yavorsky et al 2019 (m)
- The Guardians | SEARCH ON (m)
- International Women's Day 8 March UN (m)
- Otto 2019 (m)
- Worth et al 2019 (m)
- Mazrekaj et al 2020 (m)
- Stenström 2020; Savolainen et al 2020 (m)
- Devlin 2008; Huang 2015 (m)
- 性別、宗教、種族、階級與中國傳統司法 (m)

- Gender & Society
- European Journal of Women's Studies
- Feminist Theory
- Feminism & Psychology

- CS 80Q: Race & Gender in Silicon Valley
- I590 Technology and Gender (bibliography, syllabus)
- (gender related courses in the MIT OCW)

- Meg-John & Justin
- Dragonroot Media
- Rocking Our Priors
- Woman's Hour

- She's Beautiful When She's Angry (2014)
- Kusama: Infinity (2018)

Website and blog
- Feminist Philosophers
- UN Women
- Gender Policy Report
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