香港中文大学政治与行政学系副教授 周保松 今晚在 ZOOM 进行题为《风雨中 论自由》的线上讲座,惟 ZOOM 一千人限制未能观看。周此前在回应了他在微博经历 中国互联网政治审查 的过程。豆瓣用户 SaltyTablet 整理了一个直播提及著作的 豆列。依此列表整理记录如下——

- Mill, J. S. (1859). On liberty.
- 嚴復. (1903). 群己權界論· 商务印书馆.
- Berlin, I. (1958). Two concepts of liberty.
- Berlin, I. (1969). Liberty: Incorporating Four Essays on Liberty. Oxford University Press.
- Rawls, J. (1971). A theory of justice. Harvard University Press.
- Raz, J. (1986). The morality of freedom. Clarendon Press.
- Miller, D. (2003). Political philosophy: A very short introduction (Vol. 97). Oxford University Press.
- Wolff, J. (2006). An introduction to political philosophy. Oxford University Press, USA.
- Snyder, T. (2017). On tyranny: Twenty lessons from the twentieth century. Tim Duggan Books.
- Swift, A. (2019). Political philosophy: a beginners' guide for students and politicians. John Wiley & Sons.
- 周保松. (2010). 自由人的平等政治. 生活‧讀書‧新知三联书店.
- 周保松. (2015). 政治的道德: 從自由主義的觀點看 (增訂版). The Chinese University Press.
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