事实上这个视频并没有解释「why」,只是说了手势的(非)语言等文化功用。但回答这个问题就不只是语言学、社会学、心理学、认知科学、etc. 的问题了,很多问题问下去就指望不了现有的范式能做出令人满意的回答了。


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Gawne, L., & McCulloch, G. (2019). Emoji as digital gestures. Language@ Internet, 17(2).

Kendon, A. (2000). Language and gesture: Unity or duality. In D. McNeill (Ed.). Language and gesture: Window into thought and action, 44-63. Cambridge University Press.

Iverson, J. M., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (1998). Why people gesture when they speak. Nature, 396(6708), 228.

McNeill, D. (1985). So you think gestures are nonverbal?. Psychological review, 92(3), 350-371.

McCulloch, G. (2019). Because Internet: Understanding the new rules of language. Riverhead Books.
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